Thursday, October 4, 2018

Lachat Town Farm Saturday 10/6

Lachat Town Farm Weston CT

Looks like beautiful weather for the weekend. 

Grab your easel, paints, and friends and head to Lachat Town Farm on Saturday, October 6th (rain date, October 7th.)  John Forgione has made arrangements for POP painters and friends to spend the day painting there, with the possibility of a follow on display of work in the barn, and sales of artwork created there that day.  Lachat is offering this great location and friendly atmosphere, and is requesting a 30% donation from the artists if any sales result from hanging in the barn.  [See video link below.]  At sunset, wine, cheese and a bon fire may be on offer for artists who exhibit starting at 5:00 p.m

This event is free and open to all artists, to gather and paint outside, in a beautiful farm setting with 18th c (1770) pre-Revolutionary home and farm buildings and vistas.  Devil's Den nature preserve is right next door, if you bring a friend who hikes.  (There is no instruction. Bring your own supplies, snacks, lunch, folding chair.)

Parking is in the designated parking area in adjacent fields. There are portapotties and water on site.  No smoking. 

106 Godfrey Road West, Weston, CT 06883

Video of property on YouTube:

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